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Immigration to Canada

Over 200,000 immigrants arrive to Canada every year, making it one of the most popular destinations of immigrants in the world.
Immigration system in Canada is points-based. Young professionals with good knowledge of English ro French (or both) language, with enough professional experience and good education are most welcome.

Most Canadian provinces have programs that encourage immigrants to settle in those provinces and thus contribute to their economies.

Immigration in the Francophone regions of Canada is supported by the government as well.

Experienced businessmen and businesswomen can take part in Canada's Business Immigration program.

Both federal and regional governments in Canada actively help the immigrants with all aspects of their new life in Canada.

Immigration to Canada is easier for those who already have family members well established in the country.

If you are an Information Technology professional, Canada may be a good place to emigrate to. Skilled IT workers are on demand in Canada and the Canadian Temporary Work Permits for Software Specialists has been introduced to attrack more of them to the country.

United States of America | Canada | Australia | New Zealand
United Kingdom | France | Germany | Austria

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