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Myths About the Job Application Form

:: Myths About the Job Application Form ::

Myth 1: A good application letter along with his design will get the job

Letter of application and it does not make you acceptable, but can be an ad for you for an interview. Letter of application should not talk about yourself too much so that parties can make hiring decisions recruitment. Letters should be simple and compelling the reader to want to see you.

Myth 2: Applicants must have the best educational background, ability and experience to always get the position.

Many factors associated with hiring decisions. Education, ability, age, agility work only a few criteria for recruitment. Employer or the company will interview you because they want to see you - you bagaiamana appearance, interaction, and fit you with their organization.

A recent study at Yale University reported that 15% the reason a person becomes successful it has to do with the technical skills and knowledge. But the main reason 85% of success is the people's personal abilities, namely: attitude, behavior, enthusiasm, self-discipline, morale and ambition.

This is why an applicant with the best qualifications on paper are often just do not get the position.

Myth 3: You can plan all you want, but to get actual work associated with good luck, or who you know, or are in the right place at the right time.

Luck is what happens to people who have clear goals and detailed action plan.

Myth 4: recruiters will appreciate the long application because it gives them more information and save time interview

Most applications have 30-40 seconds of time to look at. You should be able to communicate clearly, timely and demonstrate your competence areas. Recruiters rarely have a reason to read the proposal of two pages in length.

Myth 5: Always put the big income you want in the application

This only applies to yourself. Are high or low salaries has no positive value to the application. Salaries are always negotiated after the company decided that you are the right person for the job.

Myth 6: You should always close the cover letter with the words: "I am waiting to hear from you".

Do not ever write that! even when an applicant who feel inferior because they do not work and expect the recruiter to take the initiative. This is something that is not realistic. Remember, you alone must take the initiative. Specify when you will do follow-up. You can write that:

"I'll call my father on Thursday morning with regard to questions that might be the father to convey or we can have a private meeting"

This may sound like a force or apply too strict, and maybe it is. But what you want is action!. Your efforts will pay off.

Myth 7: The more applications you send, the greater your chance to get a job

Not necessary so. 30-40 combined application with the introduction yng quality, good cover letters and follow-up phone would be more effective than the 1000 cover letter sent in follow-up single with no action nothing.

Myth 8: Once you send a letter of application, the rest wait

If you do not take action then you are not likely to get results. Always follow up with a phone.

"You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the clouds. Enthusiasm is the explosion in your eyes, berjalanmu style swing, grip, jerk who will not be restrained from the desire and the power to make you an idea. Enthusiasm is a fighter in which settlement occurs. Without it, there would be only an alibi. "- Henry Ford (nat)

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