:: Lucky Loss Submitting Applications Online::
Indeed at first people thought that the procedure in writing job application will be destroyed along with internet usage memasyarakatnya. But until now, job advertisements in newspapers and even more written application delivery is also not extinct.
Any easy to apply online either via email or apply online process provided by the job site, was initially greeted with great enthusiasm. Both for the employer (company) or a job seeker.
From the job seeker side, there are tremendous savings where the cost of expensive post can be pressed to change ngenet cost much cheaper. For companies too, they do not need to sink into the pile of paper documents berjibun.
But lately, there was a tendency that the employer is now more attention to applications submitted by conventional means. The reason, those who submit applications in this way more enthusiastic and attentive to their jobs open.
Because according to the employer, they are willing to pay higher prices, squeezing more energy, and waste more time than those who send the application via email or online apply that often does not appear when a call test / interview. For those who apply are
online often just idly because so easy to send an application.
On the other hand, there is one HRD has said that he preferred to call prospective employees applying through a written application by mail with a very simple reason, because he no longer needed to print a softcopy documents from candidates who would he interview.
This tendency arises because the ease of abuse by sending an application online job seekers. Tell application online play regardless of the criteria specified by the advertiser and the main job online click apply regardless of whether relevant to present at the interview or test.
Therefore, the ease of use technology wisely so as not to make people feel harmed .***
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