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Letter of application and curriculum vitae (CV) is the first key to opening the gates of your dream career. With a cover letter and CV is, the company knew and know your qualifications. Thus, the origin of manufacture should not be, but it should be interesting benarbenar HRD company you are applying.

Before writing, make sure you know the requirements and qualifications that the company expected, and then try to meet all the requirements requested. For example, if the job using the English language or a request to write an application with the English language, then you must make an application in English.

Letter of application usually consists of three parts, namely the opening of the origin of information that you obtain vacancies and the proposed position. The main part of your qualifications, educational background, your personality and character. The last section is the concluding section, write down your gratitude and asked about the continuation of this proposal. Just one page.

CV generally consists of 6 parts, ie personal data, history and education courses, work experience, organizational experience, achievements, and special skills. Simply just two pages. Never used the form of resumes that are sold in the market!

Some of the things that must be considered in writing a cover letter and resume is brief and make a solid, make sure the cover letter and your CV can be easily and quickly readable. Use standard business letter format formal, A4 white paper 80 grams, Times New Roman font and 1.5 spacing. Avoid grammatical errors, spelling, and punctuation. Write down the things that specific and relevant to the position you are applying.

When you apply for a job field that requires creativity and the arts, such as entertain or advertising, then you can be more creative in making your resume or CV. Do not forget to include your portfolio too.

Shipping applications can be done via email, the application format is also provided in softcopy form, starting from the letter of application, CV, photos, and scan the files other support. Try using a standard program and the capacity of not more than 10 MB.

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