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Tips to face a job interview dress for men

Dress Tips For Men

1. Hem berwana Use white or blue, plain and long sleeves. Clothes included, neat and not wrinkled. Arms do not fold, avoid using a hem using a bright color and striking

2. Use a plain or patterned tie lines or boxes, also adjust the color shirt and pants, neatly bound, not loose and the length of a little over a tie

3. Neat hair, black, not painted, hair length does not exceed the back of the collar, and long bangs are not covering the eye.

4. Use dark pants like black, gray, brown. Neat, fit and color grown darker pants from the clothes.

5. Using a plain belt, dark and berwana leather or skin equivalent.

6. Shoes fantofel classic black having a certain model, has been polished and clean, and use black socks berwana

7. Clean-shaven face, not greasy, not berjambang, and do not eat chewing gum during the interview.

8. Avoid using excessive perfume. Do not have body odor and bad breath. Do not use earrings.

9. Avoid the use of rings other than wedding rings. Hand nails clean and short.

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