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1. Physical and mental freshness

Usahakan untuk beristirahat dan relaks sebelum wawancara, kalau perlu
since the day before the date of the interview. You may like to relax in
home while doing your hobby. Going to the hairdresser, cook, and
forth. Anyway, avoid doing things that would
Your nervous strain. The aim is that the next day you
feel refreshed and ready to face interviews with the physical conditions and
mental prime.

2. Performance or Appearance

Choose clothing in basic colors, like black, white, cream,
brown, or dark blue, so it is easy dipadupadankan. In order to fashion a
You wear according to your body shape, it helps you identify
first your body shape. In general, the human body there
three ie oversized, small, and proportional.

Avoid narrow skirt and
supermini, because it will interfere with your comfort. For blouses, avoid
low cleavage and thin materials. And if you menganakan
blazer, avoid choosing a very loose jacket, or vice versa,
a very tight jacket. Wear a blazer that fits your body.

For makeup and accessories,
try not excessive, because it would give the impression like ornate
rather than serious work. One more thing, do not wear trousers
(though tidy and shaped jacket), because it would give the impression not
polite. Remember, performance or appearance during the interview is
early stage companies self-assess the potential employee's personality.

3. Ethics Interview

Sometimes, you are nervous when interviewing, so that any ethical interview
did not have time to think in your mind. In fact, ethics is
important and can add points for you. Seated attitudes, for example.
Sit quietly with her hands on her lap. Try
not leaning back to sit on your chair.

When speaking, make it a habit to use
I, instead of using I, because it shows you the impression
the arrogant one. Please answer honestly every question from the
interviewer. Do not hesitate to ask when you are given the opportunity
ask. Usually, the interviewer did not explain in detail,
just the basics alone.

One more thing, if you're chewing
candy, get candy is removed first. Do not go into
the interview room with his mouth chewing fun. This will
give the impression that you are not serious.

4. Company Profile Long Survey

If possible, prior to the call of the interview, you try
company profiles to find out who invited you. If you have
friends in the company, ask for a brief overview of the field
company business. Ask also, who will be interviewed
You. And very important is that the position will be your
occupy. As detailed or as short as any information you get,
It is a material very valuable input for you.

5. Come on Time

Watch really interview date and time. Provide some
minutes to freshen up first, before going into space
interview. Be sure you look as neat and clean as possible.
Arrive on time, even if possible, come to some
minutes earlier. For example the interview schedule at 10 am, try
You've come 30 minutes earlier. So, you're not in a hurry

There is a positive thing and a plus, if
You arrive early or on time (an on-time). The pewancara will
assess you as being disciplined with time and can
manage the (set) time with the best. Sure, companies
would prefer employees to work diligently and on time than
which is often too late.

Usually, before the interview
progress, you are asked to fill in data for the purposes of the archives themselves
company. Generally, the time to fill in data about 10 to 15
minutes. Fill the data in a clear and complete, do not confuse the
interviewer. If there are less obvious, do not hesitate to ask,
so you're not one to fill the data.

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