Your CV must be typed. A handwritten resumes never succeed. The resume must be written in English. Check for any typing or grammatical mistakes. Make sure to include your correct address and telephone number. A good resume should not be longer than 2 or 3 pages.
Your resume and cover letter should target a specific job. Describe your work experience, skills and education that directly relate to the position you're applying for. Don't just list what you have accomplished but also demonstrate how you can contribute to the passengers' cruise experience.
cruise ship jobs - staff
A good resume should include previous work experience, duties, responsibilities, awards, education achievements, degrees and certificates. When you list your academic background, begin with the highest education that you've achieved. Also, your employment history should be listed in reverse chronological order – beginning with your latest position. List the languages you speak and indicate the level (fluent, intermediate, basic).
Include 3 or 4 business references. The referring persons will be contacted and the references will be checked.
Enclose a cover letter with your resume. Briefly highlight your skills and education that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Address the letter to the recruitment agent or the personnel manager of the cruise company. Don't forget to sign the letter.
Be persistent when you apply for a job but do not be annoying. Do not call the recruitment agents and personnel managers too often. Keep sending them resume updates.