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Potential Test Yourself

Dr. William M. Marston has developed a method that can quickly discover the hidden potential in people. DISC methods will be known what is the potential of someone who allows a person to develop themselves as optimal as possible in order to achieve success in careers and business. For those who are responsible for the management of Human Resource Management, a profile analysis is a new breakthrough in analyzing a person's ability to hold a position or perform the duties and work. Human resource management is most effective when entering elements to understanding the character and behavior of individuals.

Benefits DISC Profile Report
  • Revealing the potential of individuals, including strengths, weaknesses and development areas. * Job matching, level of fitness for a particular job type.
  • Ensure the accuracy of the process of recruitment, selection and promotion.
  • Improving the effectiveness of communication and team building within the organization.
  • As a value added great value to your CV.
  • As an important reference to help estimate the appropriate education to sustain a career. (for prospective students)
  • And others.

Assessment Report (presented in Bahasa Indonesian)

  • Profile Graph / Shape of DISC Style.
  • Main Character Description (General Characteristics, Value to Team, Possible Weaknesses, Greatest Fear, Motivator, Ideal Environment, Communication Style, Personal Growth Area).
  • Trait Analysis (Influencing, directing, Processing, Detailing, Creating, Persisting, Relating and various other competencies).
  • Career / Job Matching.
  • Historical Character References.


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