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Resume Writing advice

Here are some suggestions that are allowed and not recommended in writing your resume, a quotation from the writings of Katharine Hansen:

* Make your resume as easy as possible to read and understand, for example by the use of bullet style
* Avoid writing a resume, too long, when necessary, just one page, but if it is not enough because you may experience so much, use just two halarnan. do not let more than two pages
* Consider how to design displays and information on your resume to avoid the use of the familiar, for example by using the templates provided by Microsoft Word, although there is nothing wrong in these templates, but you can make it as if a special and privileged.
* Do not ever lie to the information submitted in your resume.
* Write the information contained within it the focus to the opportunities you get, remove information about deemed not necessary for those who will accept you.
* Avoid using the word "I" in your resume.
* Display information about work that are considered important for its readers.
* Do not forget to write down the location where you bekeria previously. Sort your work experience based on what happened.
* Enter in the form of quantity if possible, for example, the number of staff you manage, what percentage of your sales success achieved, jumiah how you handle the product, etc..
* Avoid writing too much experience in your resume. if you write too much, can-bisamereka assume that you will be too expensive to be paid.
* In terms of expertise and work activities, avoid writing jobs that do not want to time-that will come.
* Enter your educational background, including the Department or area of expertise. if you have any education in higher education, do not need menullskan secondary level pendidika you (like SMU / SMK).
* On your resume does not need to write your weight, height date of birth, place of birth, marital status, sex, health, and seienis ID number, reason for leaving previous jobs, the name of your supervisor before you poto, salary information, and things else

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