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Suggestions Facing the Interview

:: Suggestions Facing the Interview::


For those job seekers who are called to a job interview, you should consider a few suggestions below.

1. Make sure you already know where the interview

2. If you are not told in advance what type of clothing should be worn,
then use formal clothes, clean and tidy.

3. Prepare yourself to answer questions that may
interviewer will ask.

4. Try to arrive ten minutes early, if forced to be late
because there is an interruption in travel immediately notify
company (the interviewer).

5. Said a security guard or receptionist that you meet with a friendly.

6. If you must fill out the form, fill it with a complete and neat.

7. Say hello (good morning / afternoon / evening) to the
and if the interviewer had to shake.

8. Shake hands with a tight (not too loud but not weak).

10. Remain standing until you are welcome to sit down.
Sitting in an upright position and balance.

11. Prepare a cover letter and your CV.

12. Remember the good name of the interviewer.

13. Make eye contact with the interviewer.

14.Tetap focus on the questions asked the interviewer.

15. Show your enthusiasm and interest in the position
the proposed and the company.

16. Use formal language, not jargon or slang;
unless you are interviewed to be able to use that language.

17. Show the positive things you will ever achieve.

18. Show energy and confidence high.

19. Show me what you can do for the company rather than what
that can be given by the company to you.

20. Describe as much detail as possible the things asked by the interviewer.

21. Ask a few questions diseputar quality of your work and
company's business in general.

22. Speaking loudly enough so that the audible sound
by the interviewer.

23. End the interview by asking what should be
you do next.

24. Say many thanks to the interviewer for their time and
opportunity given to you.

Okay, good fight!

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