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Lowongan Kerja SPG-SPB, Waiter, Perawat, Chef Jakarta

Employment in Delami Brands
Description: We are fast growing Company, The Success of PT. DGI has been contributed by the sharp vision and company mission to deliver goo quality clothing at the most reasonable price with the most outstanding customer service. A realization of such vision and mission stores. Currently, PT. DGI has equipped itself with 3000 skillful employees in manufacturing and now own 60 Delami Brands showrroms and 435 counters in all leading department stores & restaurants.

Job vacancies for:

1. SPG / SPB Showroom / Counter
2. Waiter / ss
3. Cashier
4. Therapist / Nurse
5. Chef

Work Location: Jakarta and Around


1. SPG / SPB
Female / Male, age maximum 23 years
Degree Sederajat
Height min. 159 cm (women) and min. 165 cm (men)

2 & 3. Waiters & Cashier
Female / Male age max 30 years old, SLTA / SMK
Preferably with experience in retail

4. Therapist / Nurse
Female / Male, maximum age 35 years, Nursing / Nursing
Preferably experience in the field

5. Chef
Female / Male, age maximum 35 years old, SMK Tata Boga / Hospitality
Preferred in their field experience

Special SPG / SPB Walk In Interview, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 10:00 s / d at 15:00 PT. Delami Jl. Alaydrus No 19 Jakarta Pusat
(Kawasan Gajahmada) (021-6349977 att. Dina/Lia)

For other positions please send a complete application to the address above and no. telp which can be reached
Please bring a complete CV

Include in the letter of application, you will find this job information on how and resources (from what website or newspaper or anything else).

Employment closed on 10 November 2009

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