PT. ACER INDONESIA, We are one of the fastest growing IT Company and now we are looking for a dynamic people to fill up the position of:
Customer Service Development Executive
Key Responsibilities:
- Plan and develop short term plan for Business Development sub-department which aligned with the department plan
- Coordinate and control the implementation of short-term department plan in order to be aligned with the agreed plan and achieve the agreed service revenue
- Liaise with other related department in order to support selling activities in achieving the agreed revenue
- Provide product updates to other related department, partners and dealers in order to keep them well informed
- Forecast options and accessories and submit to CSD for approval
- Prepare pricing policy and discount policy in order to get approval from Superior
- Liaise with partners and dealers in order to Ensure stock availability and implementation of promotion programs
- Review monthly reports of sales, stock, registration and promotion Supercare progress which programs submitted by subordinate
- Develop and motivate subordinate in order to improve team professionalism, competence, and motivation
- Minimum Bachelor degree majoring in Marketing or Management
- Minimum 5 years working experience in sales or service center activities in IT / Electronic / consumer electronic
Please send your complete resume along with recent photograph, current salary, & expected salary to:
Post Date: 25 Sep 09
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