Number: PENG/02/IX/2009
Number: PENG/02/IX/2009
In order to fill the Civil Service Formation TA. 2009, the Department of Defense opened the opportunity for Indonesian citizens men and women to become candidates for Civil Servants of Department of Defense, with educational qualifications and the needs of the following formations:
Formation Acceptance
* Pharmacist: 1 person
* Dentist: 24 people
* Veterinarian: 1 person
* General Practitioner: 76 people
* Psychologist: 1 person
* D3 Secretary Adm. Adm. Perkantoran/D3: 24 people
* D3 Administrasi/D3 Management: 2 people
* D3 Financial Akuntansi/D3: 379 people
* D3 Accounting: 10 People
* D3 Analyst Health: 5 people
* D3 Analysis Lab: 4 people
* D3 anesthesia: 2 people
* D3 English: 9 people
* D3 Elektromedik: 2 people
* D3 Pharmacy: 25 people
* D3 Physiotherapy: 22 people
* D3 Nutrition: 4 people
* D3 Grafika: 2 people
* D3 Midwifery: 76 people
* D3 Nursing: 354 people
* D3 Engineering Gigi/D3 Health Dental Nurse Gigi/D3: 5 people
Dental Health * D3: 31 people
Environmental Health * D3: 4 people
* D3 Komputer/D3 Tech Informatika/D3 Information Management: 40 people
* D3 Computers: 467 people
* D3 Komunikasi/D3 Broadcasting: 1 person
Information Management * D3: 9 people
* D3 Manajemen/D3 Marketing Management: 2 people
* D3 Management: 54 people
* D3 Polytechnic Mesin/D3 Machine: 7 people
* D3 Medical Recorder: 2 people
* D3 Library: 2 people
* D3 Poltek Tech. Elektro/D3 Listrik/D3 Mesin/D3 Sipil/D3 Arsitek/D3 Chemistry: 5 people
* D3 Rontgen/D3 Radiology: 2 people
* D3 X-rays: 16 people
* D3 Secretary: 2 people
* D3 Teknik Dental: 5 people
* D3 Technical Information: 8 people
* D3 Teknik Shipping: 10 people
* D3 Civil Engineering Polytechnic Sipil/D3: 6 people
* D3 Agricultural Engineering Technology: 1 person
Occupational Therapy * D3: 2 people
Speech Therapy * D3: 2 People
* S1 Administration Negara/S1 Administration Publik/S1 Administration: 6 people
* S1 Administration State Administration Niaga/S1: 1 person
* Islamic S1: 3 people
* S1 Christian Religion: 1 person
* S1 Akuntansi/S1 Management: 21 people
* S1 Accounting: 7 people
* S1 Indonesian: 2 people
* S1 English Language Literature Inggris/S1: 2 people
* S1 English: 1 person
* S1 Electronics: 4 People
* S1 Pharmacy: 10 people
* S1 Geodesy: 3 people
* International Relations S1: 3 people
* S1 Business Law: 1 person
* S1 International Law: 3 people
* S1 Constitutional Law: 1 person
* S1 Law: 6 people
* S1 Jurnalistik/S1 Communication: 3 people
* S1 Filing: 1 person
* S1 and Physical Health: 2 people
Public Health * S1: 7 people
* S1 Computers: 9 people
* S1 Communication: 7 people
* S1 Information Management: 2 people
* S1 Manajemen/S1 State Administration: 8 people
* S1 Psychology: 4 people
* Country S1 S1 Accounting / Finance: 30 people
* S1 History: 1 person
* S1 Art Music: 3 people
* S1 Statistics: 1 person
* S1 Teknik Elekro: 2 people
* S1 Engineering Physics: 1 person
* S1 Industrial Engineering: 1 person
* S1 Industrial Engineering: 2 people
* S1 Engineering Mesin/S1 Mechanic Otomatif: 2 people
* S1 Mechanical Engineering: 1 person
* S1 Engineering Flight: 1 person
* S1 Civil Engineering: 5 people
* S1 Technology Education: 1 person
Applicant Requirements
Education Qualifications
* Qualified applicants are required education as mentioned above is licensed Diploma III (D3), Sarjana (S1), and Medical / Pharmacist / Psychology (profession).
* Graduation Certificate / Diploma While not acceptable
* Minimum 2.5 GPA
Condition physically and mentally Applicants
* High gain, at least to 160 cm Men's, Women's 155 Cm
* Approaching the ideal weight (not overweight and not underweight)
* Healthy physically and spiritually (not disabled)
* No tattoos and not bertindik (for women, pierced in each ear not more than one)
* No marks tattoo and piercing marks.
Registration Procedures
* Registration Time: start date of October 5 to October 8, 2009 (days)
* Forms applications taken at each site registration
* Special registration for the Department of Defense through the website of the Department of Defense on 5 sd October 6, 2009, and the delivery of administrative files on 7 sd October 8, 2009.
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