Vacancy in PT Dexa Medica
4:18 AM

The Department of Employment in PT Dexa Medica September 2009
The Department of Employment in PT Dexa Medica September 2009PT Dexa Medica - Dexa Medica Group is one of the biggest pharmaceuticals company group in Indonesia, and we are growing very fast to be the best. In Dexa Medica, we put the right people in the right place based on his / her passion and competency. Dexa applies a competency based human resources management approach. We believe that people make the difference. At Dexa Medica, people grow with the Business.
OTC Brand Executive
Brand Executive plays an important role in our OTC Marketing Team, especially in planning Marketing Strategy, planning & execution of Above the Line & Below the Line Activities, Trade Promotion, in order to achieve the target sales of existing products and to be launched products.
* Have at least 1 year experience as Brand Executive
* Bachelor Degree (any major)
* Have a deep interest in Marketing area
* Have interest in developing career in pharmaceutical company
* Have the ability to maintain smooth communication with sales team for branding & promotion activity
* Good in project planning, execution and reporting
* And you are:
* Energetic & creative
* Open minded, willing to learn new things and getting along with new people easily
* Have good communication & Influencing Skills
* Good planning & organizing skills
* Always want to strive for excellence, act Professionally and deal with care
You are welcome to join us as Executive Brand OTC convince us why you think you are the right person!!
Then please send us your current resume to:
HR & OD Dept PT Dexa Medica Graha Elnusa Building 5th Floor Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B, Jakarta 12560
(Please write "Brand Executive (OTC)" in the left side of the envelope or in the subject of the email)
HR & OD Dept PT Dexa Medica Graha Elnusa Building 5th Floor Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B, Jakarta 12560
(Please write "Brand Executive (OTC)" in the left side of the envelope or in the subject of the email)
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