The Dreamland Luxury Villa & Spa is currently welcoming application for the position:
1. Guest Service Agent (Male)
2. Bartender
3. Waiter
4. Mechanic
With Basic requirement:
-Able to join immediately
-Hotel School background is preferable (1.2.3)
-Technical education background (4)
-Famuliar with MYOH system (1.3)
-Highly motivated, energetic & good personality
-Fluent in English oral & written
-Experience in related field min. 2 years.
Please send resume to complete Major:
Human Resources Department
Jl. Raya Uluwatu, Gang Kahuripan No. 69
Br. Daffodils Sari, Ungasan South Of Kuta Bali 80364
Tel. +62361 708199
Fax. +62361 708138
E-mail. agm@dreamland-villa.com
We committed to provide you Jobs Info Update

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