Career Job : Wilayah surabaya S1 Akuntansi Fresh Graduate PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk Oktober 2009
2:29 AM

Information Employment in 2009, PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk. is one of the leading retail player in Indonesia, which have the affiliation in Asia Pacific including Hongkong, Singapore, Malaysia, China & Taiwan. To support the rapid growth expansion within our business units: GIANT, HERO, GUARDIAN, STARMART and MITRA with a total population of more than 10.000 employees, we are looking for a potential candidate to fill up the following position:
* Female, Fresh graduate (S1 in Accounting) with a minimum GPA of 2.75
* Willing to be placed in Surabaya (or as company need)
* Good communication skills and energetic
* Home proficiency both oral and written is a must
* Good computer literacy
We provide an attractive remuneration package commensurate with your qualification and experience. If you meet the above qualifications, please send your application complete with CV and recent photograph by email to or by post to:
Human Resources Division
PT. Hero Supermarket, Tbk.
Jln. Gatot Subroto no.177A - Kav.64
Jakarta 12870
Only short-listed will be invited
We committed to provide you Jobs Info Update

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