Vacancy Bank MEGA be placed in the area of East Java: Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, etc., Denpasar, Mataram, Sumbawa & Kupang
4:02 AM

PT. Bank Mega, Tbk one of the leading banks in Indonesia, in the context of business development & empowerment organization, Inviting professionals who like a challenge to get unlimited income, as:
* Experience as a leader of the Branch Banking min. 3 years
* Having a Vast network of local area
* Have leadership, analytical skills and good communication
* Having a network and extensive relationships for funding products
* Appearances attractive & has a broad business perspective
* Experience as an AO Consumer banking sector min. Commercial th or 1 min. 3 th.
* Insight and analysis both in the field of business & industry
* Pengalaman min. 3 years
* Having good leadership aspects
* Having knowledge and thinking enough to do problem solving on the scope of work
* Experience in marketing Credit Cards
* Having a wide customer base & relationships
* Pendidikan min. S1 (No. 1) min. D3 (No. 2 - 5)
* Willing to work with the target system
* Have a strong motivation & aggressive in sales
* Willing to be placed in the area of East Java: Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, etc., Denpasar, Mataram, Sumbawa & Kupang
Very attractive incentives will be given to those who excel in the achievement of targets. In addition the company will provide intensive training programs and career development programs for those who have the potential
Send your application, CV, Photo 4 x 6 color, diploma & transcript with credit value "postal code" in the upper left corner of the envelope to the address:
PT. Bank Mega, Tbk
Regional HR Surabaya
Jl. Raya Darmo 95 A Fl. 3
Surabaya 60265
Only qualified applicants will be processed further --
(Java Post, Thursday, October 22, 2009)
We committed to provide you Jobs Info Update

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