Kindly to inform you that Aston Denpasar Hotel & Convention Center is seeking some candidates as the following below :
1. General Manager / GM : ( Local or Expatriate )
2. Wedding Consultan / WDC
3. Public Relation Manager / PRM
4. Front Office Supervisor / FS
5. Chinese Cook / Ck
6. Steward / STW
7. Engineering Supervisor / ES
8. Technician / ME
9. Civil Painter / CP
10. Waitress / WRS
11. Financial Controller / FC
12. Chief Accountant / CA
13. Chief Cost Control / CC
14. Acct.Payable Supervisor / APS
15. Income Auditor / IA
16. Credit Manager / CM
17. General Cashier / GC
18. Asst.Exc.Housekeeper / AEHK
19. Linen Supervisor / LS
20. Room Attendant / RA
21. Order Taker / OT
** General Requirement **
- Minimum of 3 years experiences in similar position within 3 or 4 star hotels
- Relevant educational background
- Good command in English both written and oral
- Computer Literate
Please send your application to:
Made Mudikusrini
Human Resources Manager
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