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Career Job: The Chedi Club at Tanah Gajah

PhotobucketHallo Kawan! Dapatkan update lowongan terbaru di email kamu, caranya Daftar Disini

URGENTLY REQUIRED a qualified candidate to join our dynamic team at The Chedi Club at Tanah Gajah as a

Commist Cook.

- Male or Female 22 y / o
- Graduated of tourism school
- 1 Year experience
- Able to speak English
- Good Team Work

Send Application, CV, and recent photograph to
HR The Chedi Club at Tanah Gajah Ubud
Jl. Goa Gajah, middlemen Kaja Kauh
or Email to:

Thank you,
Mulyani, Nyoman
HR Coordinator
The Chedi Club
at Tanah Gajah Ubud
Jl. Goa Gajah, middlemen Kaja
Gianyar Ubud
Bali 80571 - Indonesia
Phone: 62 361 9756 85
Fax: 62 361 9756 86

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