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PhotobucketHallo Kawan! Dapatkan update lowongan terbaru di email kamu, caranya Daftar Disini

Cpns surabaya 2009, job seekers interested in becoming a civil servant in local government environment must be prepared. Therefore, this mid-October, the local government will announce the implementation of tests as well as open enrollment CPNS CPNS. The test was conducted at the end of November.
To the Employment and Training Agency Yayuk Eko Agustin said, the current clerk is waiting for the permission of selection CPNS organizing principle of the central government, In addition, the local government is still waiting for the certainty of formation of the State Ministry for Administrative Reform.

Yayuk explained, CPNS 2010 formation of technical personnel, teachers and health personnel. For teachers, the formation is the most vocational educators. "Next year Surabaya build two new SMK. So, it takes a lot of new teachers," he said.
Formation of the two is the most common physician. Because, next year's Hospital West Surabaya (RSSB) began operations that require dozens of new doctors. "If a specialist, not yet. We can not from the center," he said.
Yayuk explained, admissions requirements CPNS almost the same as the previous year. Only, this year the local government does not fix the grade point average (GPA) given. "Depending on the courses accreditation (Prodi) in the university issued BAN PT (National Accreditation Board of Higher Education)," he said. Therefore, it could be the minimum GPA for each university is different.
Veiled woman asks CPNS selection enthusiasts prepared registration file. Some of the documents required, among other things, legalization of diplomas and transcripts from the faculty or university.
Local government also asked for job-seekers information card from the labor department or commonly called the yellow card. "Immediately take care of. Because if mepet time, usually long lines," he said.

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