Cruise Ship Jobs and Recruitment - Windstar Cruises (WSC)
Windstar Cruises (WSC), one of the world's leading companies in the international cruise industry is looking for candidates who are willing to grow within our company and explore the world at the same time:
1. General Purpose Attendant - Housekeeping / Laundry (Code: HK)
Having 6 month experience (job training included) in housekeeping department at reputable hotel or professional laundry (i.e.Room Boy, Laundryman or Public Area Attendant)
2. General Purpose Attendant - Messroom (Code: GPN)
Having 6 month experience (job training included) in F&B department at reputable hotel or galery (i.e.Bush Boy, Assistant Steward)
3. Restaurant Steward (Code: RSW)
Minimum 2 years of Diploma with 2 year experience in the same rank at reputable hotel(s) , strong FB knowledge and service procedures
4. Sailor OS (Code: OS)
Minimum senior high school graduate and having 1 year experience as Sailor OS on board vessel
5. Sailor AB (Code: AB)
Minimum senior high school graduate and having 1 year experience as Sailor AB on board vessel
6. Wiper (Code: WPR)
Minimum senior high school graduate and having 1 year experience as Wiper on board vessel
7. Fireman/Greaser (Code: F/G)
Minimum senior high school graduate and having 1 year experience as fireman/greaser on board vessel
General Requirements:
- Good Command Of English is a must
- Minimum D1 in hotel school (point 1-2)
- Male, fit both physically & Mentally, minimum height 160 cm
- Age between 21-35 years old (point 1-3)
- Age between 19-35 years old (point 4&6)
- Age between 19-39 years old (point 5&7)
- Latest Job experience should not be more than 3 years ago
- Having BST Certificate (all Position) proficiency in survival craft and Rescue Boats, Yellow Fever Book (point 4-7)
REMEMBER : SBI does not have any branch office. Do not apply through third party.
Application should include CV,
- 4 pieces of recent color photograph size 4x6 cm
- Letter of good conduct from local police
- Copy of educational diploma(s)
- Reference letter(s) from previous employer(s)
Jakarta 12190
Please quote the above position on the top left of the envelope and send your application to:

PT. Sumber Bakat Insani (SBI)
Menara Sudirman 16th Floor
Jl. Jend.Sudirman Kav.60
Email: recruitment@sbimanning.co.id (point 1-3)
Email: recruitment2@sbimanning.co.id (point 4-7)
(max attachment 200 kb)
Posted by YS at 2:55 AM
Labels: 02. Sailor, 03. Wiper, 04. GPA Housekeeping, 05. GPA Messroom, 09. Fireman/Greaser, 26. Steward, SBI-Windstar Cruises
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