Hallo Kawan! Dapatkan update lowongan terbaru di email kamu, caranya Daftar Disini
PT. Fastfood Indonesia, Tbk, looking for skilled workers trained to be fast restaurant position:
1. Crew Restaurant (CS)
2. Home Delivery (HD)
* Male / female 18-22 th (CS), 18th-28th Man (HD), have SIM C (HD), pend.SLTA, attach a copy of report card grade 3
* Berpenampilan interesting, Men's height (165cm min), women (min 160cm), weight proportional
* Able to communicate well, not in college, work could shift
* Willing to undertake training before being placed, domicile in Bekasi, Cikampek and surrounding
* Send along:
-Pas-colored 4x6 photo, photocopy of ID card,
-Copy of Certificate Police Notes (SKCK)
-Letter of unmarried information from RT / RW
-No. tel can be reached
Only applications that match our criteria will process
Please send your complete application no later than October 20, 2009 to
PT. Fastfood INDONESIA, Tbk
Recruitment and Selection Department
Jl. Daan Mogot No. 163 West Jakarta
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