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Planet Hollywood Bali, looking for young & energetic candidates

Planet Hollywood Bali, looking for young & energetic candidates to join us :

1. Bartender ( Male / Female )

- having a good skill in bartending
- Max 30 years old
- Fluent in English and other language is an advantage
- Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude

2. Host / Server ( Female )
- Single
- Max 27 years old
- Fluent in English and other language is an advantage
- Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude
- Fresh graduate is welcome

3. Engineering ( Male )

- Background Engineering DIII / S1
- has experience in engineering
- Max 30 years old
- Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude
- able to work under pressure

send your full CV and recent photograph to :

Only shortlist candidates will be notified & interview will be doing in Planet Hollywood Bali

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