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Main Mistakes in Finding a Job

First of all, falling for a "no risk" guarantee. Remember that anyone who guarantees that everyone who reads their grossly overpriced information will get a job on a ship is an absurd claim. And they promise to refund your money if you don't get a job. Though you have to send copies of five rejection letters, you won't get them, as no company, cruise line or otherwise, feels any obligation to respond to an unsolicited application.

Do not e-mail cruise lines asking for more info such as job requirements, current openings, etc.

Another mistake is to e-mail your resume or CV to the cruise lines. As it is obvious, they will rather hire someone that took the time to mail a great resume package, but not sent an email.

Do not waste your time on posting your resume online. They don't need to surf the web for candidates, as there are enough people applying directly to the cruise lines.

There is no "official application form". But there are companies offering to buy it. You may also be offered to post an "official application form" online, as no one is surfing the web for a thing that does not exist.

One more mistake is to buy a list of current job openings. Such a list would be impossible to maintain, since most jobs are filled almost as soon as they become vacant.

Do not pay someone to mail your resumes to cruise lines. Your letter will get a lot more attention if it is mailed individually rather than along with a stack of others.

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