Advertised:17-9-09 | Closing Date:14-10-09
A leading private bank in Indonesia to open career opportunities for you to fill the following positions:
BCA Development Program
(Jakarta Raya, West Java, East Kalimantan, Maluku, South Sulawesi, North Sumatra)
(Jakarta Raya, West Java, East Kalimantan, Maluku, South Sulawesi, North Sumatra)
* Bachelor of Education Strata 1 / Strata 2
* Index performance at least 3:00 (4:00 scale) for strata 1 and a minimum of 3:25 (4:00 scale) for stratum 2
* Communication systematic
* Have high analysis power
* High motivation
* Maximum age 25 years (for S1) and 27 years (for S2)
* Not willing to get married and not married for education
* Willing to be placed in all parts of Indonesia
* Willing to undergo bond after the education department
* Passed in the selection
Bureau of Recruitment and Development BCA Wisma Asia II fl. 12A, Jl Brig Katamso No. 1 Jakarta
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