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PT Bank UOB Buana Tbk

Advertised:17-9-09, Closing Date:16-10-09

PT Bank UOB Buana Tbk is a well established bank since 1956 which have 35 Branch offices and 169 Service outlets in 18 provinces throughout Indonesia. Our vision is to be the most reliable and trusted bank in Indonesia. To support this, we are seeking passionate, dynamic, self-motivated individuals who are driven towards performance excellence. We offer you challenges and opportunities to meet your career aspirations as:

Staff Policies and Procedures (Code: SPC) (Jakarta Raya)


* Create concept Circular and Operational Policy
* To review operational policies and procedures that apply
* Create flowcharts Operational Procedures

* Pendidikan minimal S1
* Understand the general banking procedures
* Have experience of more than 2 years in the making of banking operational procedures
* Able to use computer applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, Visio, etc.)

Staff Appraisal (Code: CCO-A) (Jakarta Raya)


* Checking the completeness of the survey documents for collateral
* Conduct an inspection to the location of collateral
* Conduct assessment and evaluation report
* Make checks to the city administration offices tribe
* Looking for the comparison data to determine the market price


* Pendidikan minimal S1
* Having experience in appraisals min 2 years
* Has Sim C
* Able to use a compass and measuring tools
* Mastering Jakarta and surrounding area
* Understanding the value of the property market in Jakarta and surrounding areas

Corporate Planning Staff (Code; PCL)
(Jakarta Raya)

* Graduated S1, Management or Accounting
* Experienced in banking, at least 1 year, preferably when ever the Division of Planning or Project Management
* Experience in accounting firms will be better
* Advanced to use computer (MS Office)
* Fluent in English

Send your complete CV not more than 200 KB with recent colorful photograph and expected salary to:

Hrs.databank @

Support Staff (Bali)



* Based in Bali
* Minimum Bachelor Degree
* Minimum 2 years experience in banking Accounting / Credit Administration
* Familiar with PSAK
* Accurate & detailed

Relationship Manager - Lending
(Jakarta Raya - Kebon Jeruk)


* Based in Jakarta: Kebon Jeruk
* Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university
* Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia, possess good customer database
* Minimum 3 years experience in commercial / corporate lending
* Able to cross sell products funding
* Good in credit analysis, and Preparing credit proposals in Bahasa Indonesia
* Good interpersonal & marketing skill
* Target oriented

Please send the application to: recruitment.uobi @

Advertised:17-9-09, Closing Date:16-10-09

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