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Cabin Crew Required Indonesia Assessment

Cabin Crew Required Indonesia Assessment

* Job Role: Cabin Crew
* Job Hours: Full-Time
* Location:
Middle East
* Job Position:
* Company:
Sigmar Aviation Ltd
* Salary:
* Job reference:
cabin crew indonesia
* Posted Date: 19 September 2009 15:42:55

Sigmar Aviation is currently recruiting qualified cabin crew for a 2 year contract with our client airline in the Middle East. Hajj experience would be a distinct advantage for this assignment.

Our client airline intends to hold assessments in Indonesia in the coming weeks.

Candidates must have:

- Previous Flight Attendant Experience

- Hajj experience would be a distinct advantage

- Fluent English, both written and spoken

Interested candidates meeting the above requirement should forward a copy of their resume to

Due to a large number of applicants, we will only be able to respond to suitable candidates.

If you cannot attach your photos to your reply, please forward them to

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