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Housekeeping Staff Ciputra Group

Housekeeping Staff Ciputra Group

Post date: 22 sept 2009

CIPUTRA GROUP was founded by Ir. Ciputra and his family about 25 years ago. Our core business is property, but we have business activities in media and retail. We have been developing big scale housing complexes, malls, hotels, apartments, golf courses and other property related business.

Ciputra Group has 3 go-public companies (Ciputra Development Tbk, Ciputra Surya Tbk. Ciputra Property Tbk) and some non go public companies.

Now we aim to expand to all over Indonesia and other countries.

We need many young professionals to be part to our dynamic and innovative team.

* Women
* Education min D3 majoring in Hospitality Management / Administration / Tourism
* Having min 1 year experience in tourism / hospitality (as the house keeping staff)
* Having experience as head of the household take precedence
* Willing to be placed in Pondok Indah
* To be honest, have good communication skills

Immediately send the complete file your application to:

HRD Ciputra Group Jl. Prof Dr. Satrio Kav. 6 Jakarta 12940

Click Here to Apply

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