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Job vacancies for: 1. Technician (TEK) 2. Administration Staff (SA) 3. Staff Marketing (MKT) 4. Sales Promotion Girl (SPG) 5. Waiters (WA) 6. Cashier

Job at PT. Nutraco Pratama Indonesia
Description: This company is engaged in the production of Gourmet Coffee by Caffe Flores Product name

Address: Komplek Majapahit Permai Blok A/117 Jl. Majapahit No.18-22 Harmoni, Jakarta Pusat
No. Tel. : 021-3804348

Job vacancies for:
1. Technician (TEK)
2. Administration Staff (SA)
3. Staff Marketing (MKT)
4. Sales Promotion Girl (SPG)
5. Waiters (WA)
6. Cashier (CA)

Work Location: Jakarta


1. Technician
Minimal graduates from SMK / STM Elektro
Has a SIM C

2. Administration Staff (SA)
Minimal graduates from D3
Experience in the same position min 1th

3. Marketing Staff
Minimal graduates from D3
Experience in the same position min 3th

4. Sales Promotion Girl (SPG), Waiters, Cashier
Minimal graduates from SMU
Experience in the same position min 1th

Send your application and CV via POST to:

HRD PT. Nutraco Pratama Indonesia
Address : Komplek Majapahit Permai Blok A/117 Jl. Majapahit No.18-22 Harmoni Jakarta 10160

Include in the letter of application, you will find this job information on how and resources (from what website or newspaper or anything else).

Employment closed on 16 November 2009

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