2009 This year the government will open lowongan CPNS / PNS just as much as 300 thousand and will raise approximately 250,000 PNS CPNS be fixed. Lowongan CPNS opening of a large - scale will be performed simultaneously in 33 provinces, 36 departments and 168 SOEs in July until November 2009. But before the month of July 2009 some lowongan CPNS has opened away - far today. Among others CPNS the provincial government (Government of), local government (local government) and municipal (local government). In addition to the several departments of the government also has opened lowongan CPNS. Lowongan CPNS for the department and the state you have to come directly at the central office and the state department or department representative in the provincial government.
CPNS Department of Energy and Mineral Resources 2009
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Government is implementing the element that has the task to assist President in performing government duties in the field of energy and mineral resources, with a vision: the establishment of the management of energy and mineral resources are sustainable and environmentally friendly to benefit as much as possible for the prosperity of the people.
To meet these demands on the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources opened an opportunity for citizens of the Republic of Indonesia which are interested to be candidates for Civil Servants and meet the educational qualifications needed to fill the vacancy formation Civil Service Candidates for Fiscal Year 200 9 as attached.
Pendaftaran CPNS Department of Energy and Mineral Resources online Year 2009 began on 17 September 2009 s / d October 6, 2009
Read more please click: http://www.esdm.go.id/
In order to fill the vacancy formation CPNS Fiscal Year 2009, as stipulated by the Decree of the Minister of State Administrative Reform Year 2009 Number 269, September 9, 2009, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia opened an opportunity for citizens of the Republic of Indonesia became interested in environmental CPNS Sekretariat Negara RI, with following provisions:
Admission: Applicants are required to come to the House Pusdiklat, the State Secretariat of Indonesia, Jl. Eaglewood I, No. 1, Cilandak Barat, South Jakarta on Tuesday sd Friday, 6 to 9 October 2009, at 08.30 - 15.00 WIB, to fill out and submit it again provided an application form, attaching and submit:
Read more please click: http://www.setneg.go.id/
CPNS Badan POM 2009
Based on the Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform No. 276 Year 2009 dated 9 September 2009 on the Formation of Civil Service Agency Food and Drug Administration in 2009, was announced as follows:
Registration held on Wednesday and Thursday September 30 and October 1, 2009 by taking a queue number starting at 09.00 s / d 14:00 local time (no extra time).
Read more please click: http://www.pom.go.id/
CPNS National Land Agency of Indonesia 2009
In order to fill Civil Service formation in 2009 the vacant, the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia provide an opportunity for the children of the nation's best for the Civil Service through the selection of candidates receiving Civil Servant Group II and Group III of the Fiscal Year 2009 with the following educational qualifications :
Registration open online starting September 14, 2009 to the date of October 5, 2009
Registration conducted through the website of the National Land Agency in http://www.bpn.go.id/home.aspx RI
Read more please click: http://www.bpn.go.id/home.aspx
Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) provide an opportunity for Indonesian Citizen Men and Women who have the expertise, integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS).
Applications submitted only on-line by filling out the electronic form found on the website LAPAN http://www.lapan.go.id/cpns
Registration applications opened on 17 September 2009 and closed on October 1, 2009 at 23:59 pm.
Read more please click: http://www.lapan.go.id/
CPNS Department of Justice and Human Rights 2009
CPNS Procurement Department and the Human Rights Law for Fiscal Year 2009 to accept registrations CPNS Taruna Akademi Ilmu Penitentiary (ikp), Academy Midshipman Immigration (AIM) and Technical Manpower (General) in the Department of Environmental and Human Rights Law.
1. Registration through the website at http://e-cpns.depkumham.go.id http://www.depkumham.go.id and central work unit starts at 08.00 pm on the date of October 1, 2009 s / d at 24.00 pm on the date 3 October 2009
2. Regional Office of Department of Law and Human Rights in Indonesia (for the registrant and General CPNS CPNS Taruna ikp-AIM)
Read more please click: http://e-cpns.depkumham.go.id/
CPNS 2009 Department of Defense
In order to fill the Civil Service Formation TA. 2009, the Department of Defense opened the opportunity for Indonesian citizens men and women to become candidates for Civil Servants of Department of Defense, with educational qualifications and the needs of the following formations:
Registration conducted through the Department of Defense Web site (www.dephan.go.id) on the 5th and 6th October 2009 by filling out the application form provided.
Read more please click:
http://penpeg.dephan.go.id/index.htm http://penpeg.dephan.go.id/cpns2009.html http://penpeg.dephan.go.id/cpnsDephan2009.htm
CPNS Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Dept. 2009
Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the Year 2009 based on the Decree of the Minister of State Administrative Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 254 Year 2009 Candidates had Supplement Formation Civil Service (CPNS) for general applicants some 629 people, which will be placed / assigned to fill a vacancy on the Central Office and Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the entire territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, with the following provisions:
Registration online application by accessing the menu www.ropeg.dkp.go.id PROCUREMENT YEAR 2009 CPNS DKP starting September 24 until October 8, 2009
Read more please click: http://www.ropeg.dkp.go.id/upload/renbang/pb2009/Pengumuman.pdf
State Personnel Agency CPNS 2009
In order to fill the vacancy formation Civil Service Candidates for Fiscal Year 2009, as stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of State Administrative Reform No. 241 Year 2009, dated August 31, 2009, the State Personnel Agency opened an opportunity for citizens of the Republic of Indonesia is interested in a candidate Employees Civil Affairs within the State Personnel Agency, with the following provisions:
Registration time for BKN Application Acceptance and Regional Office Center I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI and XII on 15 -30 September 2009 starting at 09.00 s / d 15:00 pm, on weekdays .
Read more please click: http://www.bkn.go.id/berita-isi.php?news_id=1047
CPNS 2009 National SAR Agency
National SAR Agency provide an opportunity for Indonesian citizen of men and women who have an educational qualification S-2 / S-1, D-III, and vocational / high school to join the Procurement Selection of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) Formation of National SAR Agency for Fiscal Year 2009 .
Registration is only served from the date of 15 s / d 29 September 2009
Read more please click: http://www.basarnas.go.id/index.php?page=101&ART_ID=211
Based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education Tax: 47190/A4/KP/2009 September 4, 2009 and the meeting staffing coordination and 9 dated 10 September 2009, the Directorate General of Higher Education, National Education Ministry will receive a Civil Service candidate number 25 (twenty five) with details of educational qualifications is attached
Acceptance of Registration, Administration Selection, Charging, and Biodata Participants Signs Tax Decision by the relevant examination began on 14 September 2009 until the October 6, 2009
File>> Attachments CPNS Higher 2009 Revenue
Read more please click: http://www.dikti.go.id/
Following up on our announcement 47163/A4/KP/2009 numbers August 22, 2009 on the print media Kompas, Republika, Media Indonesia and, edition of Saturday, August 22, 2009, regarding Additional Revenue New Employees at the National Environmental Education Department in 2009, with this we deliver academic qualifications required work unit within the Ministry of National Education in 2009 to be guided for potential recruitment of new applicants in 2009.
Appendix academic qualifications required work unit within the Ministry of National Education
For further explanation regarding the requirements CPNS Applying can be seen on the announcement provided by each respective work units.
Read more please click: http://www.depdiknas.go.id/
In order to complete the formation of the Department of the Interior employees RI Fiscal Year 2009, the Ministry of Internal Affairs provides opportunities for Indonesian citizens who qualified Pasca Sarjana (S.2), Bachelor (S.1) and the Bachelor (D.3) to be accepted as Candidate Civil Service Department of the Interior environments, requirements as follows:
Each applicant is only allowed to submit one application file, a new online registration will be processed after the Committee received the applicant's documents are delivered via Recorded Post began on 13 September 2009 sd 24 September 2009 (CAP POS), addressed to:
Chairman Admission Committee Department of the Interior CPNS TA 2009
PO BOX 2592 JKP 10025
Read more please click: http://ppns.depdagri.go.id/peg/Home.aspx
Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Minister by letter of Administrative Reform Tax: 518.F/M.PAN/7/2009 of Additional Principle Approval Center CPNS Formation Year 2009, opened registration for Civil Servants candidate to fill the vacancy formation Depnakertrans year 2009 that will placed on central office and the technical implementation unit (UPT) in Indonesia.
Acceptance of the applicant's documents by registered mail from the date of 15 to 28 September 2009 (postmark) and the Committee had received no later than the date of October 5, 2009
Read more please click: www.depnakertrans.go.id
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