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To deal with the temperamental boss types, such as irritability and offended no trick.

To deal with the temperamental boss types, such as irritability and offended no trick. Before deciding to resign, it's good to know first how to 'reconcile' with the boss type like this:

1. FIND OUT WHY. It may be that you often make mistakes that he thought trivial. For example; forgot schedule meetings with clients, data accuracy is often less than perfect or late from the deadline to complete the task and should interfere to ... launch other parts work. Try to do an evaluation of your working week and immediately fixed

2. REMEMBER, REMEMBER THE TIME WHAT YOU EASY BOSS 'explode'? What deadlines while? If your boss because she could have PMS disorders (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome). If you already know penyebanya, set the time for work that is the responsibility of A. .. So you can finish before your boss 'explode'.

3. Keep BOSS ANGRY ATTITUDE AT, BE PATIENT AND CALM. Listen to what he says and what keahui really upset him. Do not cut the sentence if they did not want to make him more upset. ask for forgiveness and give an explanation with politeness.

4. IF YOU ARE IN FRONT OF GENERAL reprimanded or humiliated IN
OTHER EMPLOYEE , DO NOT LIVE ANGRY. Rebuke a polite way if you do not like to be treated like that. Resistance will politely made aware of having made a mistake and apologize to you.

5. LESS TELLING,TOO?? Find the right time to talk "from heart to heart". Interwoven communication is the best solution rather than "hostile" to him. In addition to harm, you also become uncomfortable to work. Focus on core ... problems and did not spread to other things, that are not related to your problem.

6. MOST OF LEADER WANT TO PERFORM PERFECT, especially on the individual character perfectionist. Do not expect he would change, but you will have to be pro-active (but not wet). For example, prior to the meeting make a proposal that was neat disus ... including a solution for the problem. If there is a mistake, apologize immediately.


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