Hallo Kawan! Dapatkan update lowongan terbaru di email kamu, caranya Daftar Disini
Company Description
PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia is one of subsidiaries of Samsung
Electronics, the largest and fastest growing global electronics company.
We are multinational company that specialized for manufacturing, sales
and marketing of electronic products, such as consumer electronics and
IT / HHP products.
As one of the global market player, we are considering to have qualified
employees due to the performance achievement of the company's mission.
We are looking for dynamic, motivated and capable individuals for position:
Purchasing Executive
*- Bachelor degree from reputable university from any major
-Vacant position is available for Experienced level and Fresh graduates
Excellent Home-skills, both written and spoken, is a must
-Willing to work in Cikarang and ready to work hard.
Please send your current resume and photograph by email:
To: yeni.rosita @ samsung.com
Cc: e.brahmana @ samsung.com
Ps: Prefer experience in Electronics Industry.
HR Dept
Samsung Electronics Indonesia
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