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PhotobucketHallo Kawan! Dapatkan update lowongan terbaru di email kamu, caranya Daftar Disini

A regional education, research and consultancy institution are looking for qualified candidate to fill the following position:

1. Secretary
minimum D3/S1 graduate in secretary
Good communication skill and fluent in English (writing & speaking)
Having work experience in admin/secretarial at least 1 years.
Able to use Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Access), basic spss, outlook express
Able to work in team as well as individually, and able to work under pressure

2. Laboratory Staff (Analyst)
minimum High School / D3 graduate in chemical analyst / health analyst
Having work experience at least 1 years
Able to operate AAS, HPLC, and Elisa Reader
Able to work in team as well as individually, and able to work under pressure

Please send your comprehensive resume, recent photograph and contact number during two weeks after the advertisement to:

Personnel & General Affairs (PGA) Unit
South East Asian Minister Education Organization – Tropical Medicine – Regional Center for Community Nutrition (SEAMEO-TROPMED RCCN)

fax : (62-21) 3913933

Only short listed applicants will be contacted

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